I think Sun has something interesting here. Just think what you can do with a huge x86 server (I think the biggest they have is an 8 socket, 4cores AMD box = 32 cores) running Solaris (of OpenSolaris) apps at full speed, running on Solaris containers for different users, and running other OSs on each container with virtualbox, on a CIA/DHS/DOD level secure environment.
OS Technology Tim Marsland's Weblog |
Combining Virtualization Technologies
At the risk of sounding like a late-night TV commercial for toothpaste ... I'm occasionally asked the question "which virtualization technology should I use?" As if there's a one-size-fits-all answer. Well, admittedly it's more often a desire for a simplicity in the face of a complex world, and probably mostly because I've been confusing them with too many possibilities! Often, one technology does makes more sense than another, depending on what the customer is trying to do. However, there are many virtualization opportunities up and down the SW stack, and sometimes combining technologies can lead to more effective solutions.